PRICES per Week - Temp. A = 20.07 - 23.08, (Chrismas ) (*)(*) Reservations from 2 weeks, discount of ____ per week. Temp. M= 06.07 - 19.07 / 24.08 - 30.08 / 24.12 - 10.01 Temp. P=22.03 - 01.04 / 15.06 - 05.07 / 31.08-13.09 / 01.12 - 11.12 Temp. B= 10.01 - 21.03 / 02.04 - 14.06 / 14.09 - 30.11 / 12.12 - 23.12 Temp. F = €uros x day ( min. 2 days ) ( Holidays, Easter, Weekend etc..)
DEPOSIT ( Guarantee) = 200 €uros Internet : 15 € por semana
Pet ( doc, cat etc.. ) = 25 euros per pet and week.
Air conditioning = Some house 25 euros x week ( ask ) * Sheets and towel they are not included in the prices. OPCIONAL - 1 Set of Sheets = 9 euros OPCIONAL - 1 Set of towels = 6 euros ( 1 big + 1 small )